Taylor Hartz, Hartford Courant, 22 Feb. Anvita Abbi, Scientific American, During the February searches, a probation officer found a safe disguised as a dictionary in Chambers’ Chevrolet Silverado. 2023 And around 1920 Edward Horace Man compiled an exhaustive dictionary of Bea, a South Andaman language. 2022 The Oxford English Dictionary is what’s called a historical dictionary. Meron Moges-Gerbi, CNN, 11 June 2023 Look up ‘climate’ and ‘weather’ in the dictionary and get back to me.

Saïd Sayrafiezadeh, The Atlantic, 21 June 2022 Some linguists and lexicographers agree that African American language and culture deserves its own dictionary. 2022 She’s brought with her a dictionary of the Civil War, which impresses me. Erika Page, The Christian Science Monitor, 12 Sep. Recent Examples on the Web In our progress roundup, two examples of the power of recognition: Oxford marks contributions of African Americans to the English language in its new dictionary, and a video game producer is offering choices from two European women’s leagues in its new soccer simulation game.