If you plan on using a myriad of different envelope sizes, it doesn’t hurt to take a couple of hours to make a few different templates! Feel free to get creative you can create templates with diagonal address lines as well as templates with different line sizes. But then I got to thinking: he could be on to something, especially where dark envelopes and/or writing with hand-lettering, but these guidelines are great for styles like the Kaitlin! Sometimes it’s nice to have a baseline to make sure your script is nice and straight, especially if you’re new to the Kaitlin calligraphy style. Before Danny’s email, I hadn’t considered stencils much before … I mean, give me a light box, and I’m happy.

A few days ago, artist Danny Darr sent me an email showcasing a DIY envelope stencil he had created to facilitate perfect envelope spacing without a light box or measuring.